- The Jackal Returns Illustration

The Jackal Returns

Artwork for a short folktale in a digital reading product.

Organization: Curriculum Associates
Tools: Adobe Photoshop

I created illustrations for "The Tiger, the Man and the Clever Jackal" and "The Jackal Returns," a short retelling of a popular Indian folktale aimed at first-graders. Using his wits, a jackal saves a hapless man from a cunning tiger. The man repays him by cleaning up the garbage left behind in the jungle. Retold by Kabir Seth.

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Cover artwork for The Clever Jackal, Part 1 by Kabir Seth. A caged tiger implores a man for help, promising not to eat him. Forgetting his promise, the freed tiger pounces on the man and threatens to eat him. The man begs an old tree to vouch for his life, but it remembers man cutting trees down. The man begs the earth to vouch for his life, but it remembers man littering it with garbage. The man loses hope when a jackal appears and asks the tiger to explain what's going on. As the tiger re-enacts being trapped in the cage, Jackal quickly shuts him in. The man kneels in thanks to the clever jackal for her help. Cover artwork for The Clever Jackal, Part 2 by Kabir Seth. One day, as man is throwing rubble into the stream, Jackal comes and scolds him. The man doesn't understand. How can one man's garbage be such a big problem? Jackal leads him downstream, where piles of garbage are blocking the flow to a watering hole. Shocked, the man makes amends and carries the garbage all away.

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If you think my style is a fit for your project, please contact me for my rates and availability.